Benefits of swimming for health, wellbeing and in rehabilitation

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Swim England's study of over 80,000 people showed that swimmers had a 28% lower risk of early death and a 41% lower risk of death due to heart disease and stroke.

The independent report demonstrated the health benefits of swimming. Swimming is great for physical and mental health from as young as 3 months to 65+ years.


  • Improves heart health
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improvea lung capacity
  • Reduces joint pain
  • Increases bone strength

A literature review demonstrates the individual physical health benefits on the cardiovascular, cardio metabolic, neurological and pulmonary systems, MSK health and benefits to specific populations such as disability, elderly and women. A systematic review demonstrates the effects of swimming on wellbeing and further systematic and literature reviews demonstrate the physiological effect, benefits to communities, public health benefits and swimming as a sport. This report containing a vast amount of up-to-date literature, evidence based research and information. There are huge benefits in incorporating swimming into rehabilitation such as individual therapy sessions, recovery, hydrotherapy or training sessions.

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