NICE low back pain guidelines: opportunities and obstacles to change practice

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recently updated its low back pain (LBP) guidelines with an infographic developed to help interpret the recommendations. The guidelines contain several key directives, which, could significantly impact on the care of patients with LBP. Established evidence-based messages, including the need for more cautious referral for some investigations and treatments including imaging, medication and surgery, are reinforced, with a clear emphasis on self-management. Considering psychosocial factors at an early stage is also advocated, and a shift to targeting care based on a person’s multidimensional risk profile.

The article answers the following key questions - Which treatment option for whom? Will baseline screening help? What are the key knowledge gaps? The article goes on to look at questions related to considerations for future implementation, including can clinicians do this? Will healthcare systems facilitate this? And are patients ready for this?